
The rules of Survivor: The Cook Islands

The rules of the game must be followed at all times. Failure to do so can result in an automatic expulsion from the game.

The Rules

1. The rules may be changed at any time without prior warning to the castaways.

2. No profanity and/or obscene gestures are tolerated.

3. This is only a game, there is no real money issued.

4. If you do fail to vote in a Tribal Council where you are expected to vote (i.e. your tribe lost the Immunity Challenge) one vote will be cast against you.

5. Each castaway will be expected to complete random interviews and confessionals when they are given to them as well as their final words once they are voted out of the tribe. Interviews/Confessionals must be filled out completely honestly.

The Structure of the Game
1. Message Boards will be furnished for the tribes as "camps" to discuss strategy and act out situations. Every few days mail will be dropped off at the camps informing them of challenges or Tribal Councils.

2. Challenges: There are two types of challenges, reward and immunity. Challenges will either be held live via Chat Room, on message boards, or through e-mail. In Reward Challenges, the winning tribe will be given hints to help them strategically. For instance, the winning tribe may receive a piece of info containing one person from the other tribe who has had a vote cast against them but is still in the game (thus helping the winning tribe in the event of a tiebraker later in the game). Reward challenge winners may also get help or head starts on Immunity Challenges. Immunity Challenges are Challenges to see who will face Tribal Council where one member of the tribe will be voted out of the tribe. The winning tribe is exempt from Tribal Council, the losers head to TC.

3. Tribal Council: Tribal Councils will be held one day following the conclusion of Immunity Challenges. During the one day break the members of the tribe may discuss strategy, but are to e-mail their votes to the webmaster before Tribal Council is to be held. Tribal Councils will be held either live via Chat Room or just announced over the website, based on what the castaways wish.

4. The Format: The 2 tribes of 8 members will compete as tribes until the 7th "week" of the season. At this point the tribes will merge into one tribe and the game will head down the home stretch. The last 7 people voted out of the tribe will be on the jury to decide who wins between the final two castaways.

As always, the webmaster reserves the right to change the format of the game at any time.

This site is not affiliated with CBS, Mark Burnett, or any of the Survivors from any season. If we are in any way breaking any law or have taken something from a different site without permission please let us know and we will work to correct it as fast as possible.