Final Words

You may be angry or relieved... Whatever the case, tell us your thoughts

You may be irate at your ex-tribemates or just plain relieved to get out of the game, but you still have the responsibility to give us your final words.

Joey's Final Words

***OK, well maybe I made too big of a deal about it earlier, but Joey wasn't aware that I was going to post his final words immediately. Thats why he included some of the stuff that he did, and I still can't show them at this time but they weren't as bad as I made them out to be. -Dan (Host)***

Brenda's Final Words

Lets just say I am so disappointed in my former tribe. Why vote me off when I was one of the stronger players. Or I guess that is why you voted me off. I was the one who got the password the quickest in the first challenge. Why me? Not many of you even bothered to get to know me either so to the few who did, Good Luck in the rest of the game and Watch your backs.

Annette's Final Words

Ahh, I've been looking forward to this for a while now! I will be the first to admit that I was a bad player in this game... because I gave up. I've *never* given up on a game before - even when my tribe was down 8 to 2... until this game. The host did a great job putting together a fun game - too bad the people he picked ruined it.

Not even 24 hours into the game I realized that I no longer wanted to play. I'm all for alliances, hell, that's half the fun... but when you create a 5 person alliance and pick who will be the ones to leave, without even talking to the rest, that's dense and immature. My team spirit died at that point, it was gone. Even after I was told "Oh no, that's not true"... then was given a transcript of the conversation, I realized that I couldn't trust anyone. Not a single person! Sad, isn't it?

Competition 1 came and went - I said that I had to work that night but would gladly help when I got home. Unfortunately, the competition was done by the time I got home and online. I came online to tell everyone to keep smiling, that we would get them next time.. and what did I get? Threats! I got threatened over a game... that's what this is... A GAME. That was the final straw for me. I said I would no longer play - it wasn't worth my time or hurt feelings.

Good luck to a few of you - the ones who played with integrity. To those that gladly hurt someone's feelings over a virtual game - if this is how you act online, I'd hate to see how you act in real world. Before you start saying "Oh, she's a sore loser", remember this - I said "Go ahead, vote for me". That's obviously not the words of someone who is upset over getting voted out.

Gladly leaving this sad excuse for a tribe,

Brett's Final Words

Golly, this really, really sucks. Joey got what he wanted, I am out, congrats Joey, I should have known you would find a way to get your vote to the other tribe, its not like you have anything better to do with your time.

It sucks to be leaving, I am kind of saddened, I was really looking forward to this, but I tried my best and I'll pride myself on knowing I at least made an effort. Best of luck to the original Tuatara's, you are all great people and I hope you all make it far into the game. As for Diana and Vin, of the new little Tuatara, no hard feelings, you would have been stupid NOT to vote for me.

Joey, little Joey, boy have I got a little speech prepared for you, you pussy piece of jacked shit.You were a baby when you left the game, and you are a baby now. I cannot believe you apted to be voted out because there was an alliance that you weren't a part of, no wait, an alliance you didn't WANT to be a part of. You weren't willing to act like a man during the tribal debates, you had to roll over and cry, and sending your vote for me to Manu like, 2.5 weeks after you left is just plain obsessive man, go find something to do. And I must comment on your level of class, sending nude pictures to Travis to bribe him, that sure was a winner, I took the liberty to give the pics a view, and I must say, considering your a "personal trainer", you look like Bigbird with Annorexia. I guess you need to start lifting more weights.

Ok, now that I am done with my Joey bashing, I'll move on to congratulate Dan on a great game, and I really wish I would have had the chance to stay a little longer, but oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, and I'll accept it. Good luck to everyone still in the game, I'll definitely be watching the progress.

See everybody later, I have to run, I got a call from the daycare center, Joey is showing the kids his schlong! I better get going! Later!

Jay's Final Words

Hello gang its been a rather fun and bumpy road and very full of surprises. Yes my reaction when i found out that Jeff and Mag were backstabbing me made me mad but now that i think about it its their problem not mine.

Travis: you act as if you are the only one who is aloud to minipulate and lie, if anyone else does it you consider them scum. Are the rules different for you because you think you are better then everyone else?

Jeff: I dont want to be your friend anymore but im not mad anymore about you turning on me and voting me out. You told me you voted for me because I never told you anything and was to minipulative, well guess what, if you dont keep winning immunities you are gonna be taking that walk of shame just like I did. Because when you screwed me, you screwed yourself.

Mag: I am still your friend, you are fun to talk to and its ok you voted me off. Because just like I said about Jeff earlier, you just screwed yourself .

Andrew: WAZZZZUPPPPPPP, I knew you werent on our side from the get go. But who listens to Jay anyway .

Chad, Diana, Vin: You scratch my back and ill scratch your back. You scratched my back, mag and Jeff stabbed my back. Enough said

Nick: I never really got to know you because you were always telling travis whatever I would tell you, so BLAH!

In my final words I still have the happiness of beating Travis at his own game. I had the power Travis but I got cocky and detonated myself. Guess that comes from trusting your friends.And Travis why are you ratting on Jeff and Mag like that in your final words? Seems like you never liked them at all. Another plus for me! And in final statements I just have one final statement

"Real friends stab you in the front, enemys who pretend to be your friends stab you in the back, and Perverts stab you in the groin area"

Im out of the game (BUT I AM STILL IN FULL CONTROL!)

Peace and Peeves,

Jay Cultures

Kyle's Final Words

Hi everyone. You run a very well-organized game and im glad to have taken part in it. THe only problem is, a majority of the peopel are veyr untrustworthy. There is one person who i could trust, and that is all, and im not even sure if she voted me off, and if she did, thank you! I have never been happier to be voted out of a game. I would liek to thank all of you that voted for ( and didn't ), but i hope to talk to one or 2 of you outside of this game. You know who you are (hint: it's a girl), please keep in touch. Well ill see ya all on the other side, adios!

Travis's Final Words

Well well well, here I am and it sucks. People in this game are very easily manipulated and others find pleasure in lying. First off... Mag, you never lost a chat buddy in me, you never had one. You are a very unintelligent human being for believing Edsel that I talked crap about you. Just remember what comes around goes around just look to Madagascar for retribution. So my final answer to you is no. Andrew, you really like to shake things up don't ya? I knew for the longest you weren't the best of choices to ally with, but I also didn't care. To Dan in a confessional I told him how I would be toasted after IC. You think you're slick, well I would be lying if I didn't say you were the only person really who had a plan other than myself. I can't trash you for that since you actually showed some fortitude. Chad, Vin, and Diana not much can be said, because well we never talked. Excluding Chad and Andrew Manu was basically an inactive tribe, which made for quite the yawnfest. Jeff, et tu Brute? Words come from you a lot, and to be brutally honest, which I have been the whole time, you lied your ass off. Well I'm not Jay, we both know this. One thing I would like to confide to you, you can kiss my ass and don't expect that final 2 ally when we get to All Stars, if I do decide to waste my time with it. Nick, you wanted me gone, and other than Andy you're the only person who would never get a winning vote from me. Get some guts, you want me gone? Then vote for me yourself. On to Jay, he was an ugly self centered and it makes me so happy that his way wasn't the final way. My fave survivors were Jerri Jenna and Brandon... all gone in this epsiode... so I stay true to my life! So... Im gone now

Chad's Final Words

WOW! That about sums up the surprise I had when I saw the fourth vote. I learned too late that one of my former tribemates had deserted me. I have to admit that I thought with Travis gone, that it would be smooth sailing for Diana, Vin, Andrew and I to the final 4, but it just goes to show you, that you can't slack off because you'll end up getting voted out. I am a little relieved that I am not in the final 2, having to sway your decision for me would have been hell. I didn't realize how much the other tribe found me to be a threat. I wasn't as good at this game as they thought. I made it this far because I was able to communicate. Travis criticized Manu for being boring. Well I would like to say that now that I am no longer in the game I think that Tuatara was pretty non existant. I think I talked to the remaining members maybe once or twice. Well I really don't have anything else to say. Good luck to those who are left, and be sure to notice the mole that is left with in the 6 of you. See you on the outside.

Vin's Final Words

Wow! so it is all over... :(... but it was a great ride and i met people and grew to like SOME of them... lol... i met one great person that really changed the whole way i looked at the game and they know who they are... also my views of one person have totally changed becasue they are a two-faced jerri, but hey they got farther than me in the game, but i they wont win on it becasue i wont let them and i am the other jury members wont. We need a nice person to win this game and there are only 3 that are nice and HONEST (T'S) that are left in the game... i regret also not talking to some people becasue iw as on everyday but never really made an attempt to talk... i secluded myself to a few people and that is why i am probably gone... lol i am blabbing on and on, but (to go back to what i said) i met incredible people! I hope to see you guys in the ALL-Star version so i can get to know you guys and kick some butt!

Nick's Final Words

Well, I'm not exactly a happy camper that I am voted out. I'm a little disappointed in two of you, who participated in this, especially in the one person who lied to me and didn't at least tell me this was coming. I'm proud that I made it this far being the youngest player in this game. Anyway:
JOEY-I think if you would have been able to tolerate tribal discussions, you would have been able to get your enemies out and make it futherr in the game.
ANNETTE-I didn't know you very well, but I guess work killed you on this game. But you are right, nobody left is trustworthy.
BRETT-I guess Joey and the switch killed you, if that never happened you probably would have won. See ya in allstars.
JAY-You pulled a 360 on me. At first, I didn't know you, then you started to come around on me, and then you backstabbed the tribe and me, and showed how annoying you really are.
KYLE AND CHAD-I never really knew you that well, so I don't have anything to say.
TRAVIS-You are a really fun guy to talk to, but you were probably to strong for your own good, and like me, picked a bad ally. See ya in allstars.
VIN-I'm glad I got to know you well towards the end of the game, and you're a cool guy. See ya in allstars.
ANDREW-Since the merge, you have played, in my opinion, with the best strategy, which will probably get you in to the final two and you might
even win this game. Nothing personal with the votes, just strategy. See ya in allstars.
DIANA-Thank you for resisting the "evils" of the game, and voting your heart. I have a lot of respect for that.
MAG-I was disappointed that you followed Jeff into the vote. I think (and hope) you can win this, but you'll have to form some new alliances, and learn who not to trust. See ya in allstars.
JEFF-I've got a lot to say to you. First off, I hope you do not achieve your goal of making the final two. I knew you were playing me, but unfortunetly by the time I realized this, you had your alliances worked out. Why didn't you tell me this was coming, I wouldn't have been mad than either. Why didn't you tell Travis. Or Jay. Instead you got other people to plot and vote against them. You've got a decent strategy by making final two pacts with FOUR OR FIVE people, to achieve your goal of getting into the final two. You are a horrible liar, by trying to dodge bullets, but you
eventually told me how you were voting, and lied to me about it. When it takes you two minutes to think of a new dodge, people will not fall for it. If you decide to do allstars, I warn you, don't expect my trust.
Well, Dan, you've been a great host, and I've had a blast playing this game, and watch out for me on the jury.

Mag's Final Words

This has been a long, very emotional, intense game from the very start. Everyone in this game wanted to be #1 from the start -- and made no bones about telling everyone and anyone who would listen. All i wanted to do was make new friends & get to know different people....... Unfortunately I was
stupid......... I turned my back on someone I shouldnt have - to blindly follow and (i thought) befriend someone who I thought I could trust.
Although this person made some comments that made me think twice, I never thought that I would be betrayed. I realize its just a game....... and
I am not one to "call names" or threaten anyone (like OTHERS have......) but nonetheless, I am shocked and hurt by the blatant lies and schemes of a certain individual. I suppose I know now who I can or cannot trust.......... I am sure there are people who will say "what comes around, goes
around" --
but i NEVER purposely schemed & lied to anyone.... Diana ~ Best of luck to you!

Diana's Final Words

I'm really proud of myself that i made it this far. Some people doubted me and they thought i wouldn't make it! but i did so HA! lol I'm really happy that i was the last true Manu. I had fun and i'm not holding any grudes b/c life is just too short and its just stupid. But that's me and everyones's different. Yay go me.

Kyle-I didn't really know you that well but you seemed nice and i'm sorry that you had to go so early :(

Travis-you were a very cool guy in the beginning and then i realized your true colors. Everything you told me and everything Jay told me was different. who's the lier? dunno but our team was NOT boring!

Jay-sorry your plan blew up in your face but i guess you didn't know what you were doing. good luck on your site and game!

Edsel-you are a Filipino and proud of it! lol thanx for always being there to help and encouraging me to do my best!

Vin-I'm sorry it ended up the way it did and i'm soo happy that you're not mad at me anymore! You're the best and the most mature for not holding a grudge like everyone esle lol. What you said made me feel soo much better! i luv u! and i'll see you in the allstars!!

Chad-you are one of the coolest *actors* i know! lol good luck with your acting career and i hope your play was good! thanx for always bein there for me!

Nick-you are so great! but don't assume! lol Thanx for helping me with everything and being as sweet as you are!

Mag-you are the nicest person i know! You played the game very well and everyone loved you! lol Thanx for EVERYTHING-lol u know what i mean hehe. And do me a favor-don't hold a grudge against Jeff for tooo long! lol GIRL POWER!

Andrew-Congrats on the final 2! and i don't hate you for what you did to manu! i would never! lol even though you didn't pick hard feelings at all!

Jeff-My dearest Jeff lol...YOU ARE THE COOOOOLEST PERSON EVER! lol You are the one person that really, i mean REALLY, got to know the true me. You are so sweet, sensitive, caring, and everything! lol I don't care what anyone says about you..even if you voted for me i wouldn't be mad at you! I'm not lying! lol We have soo much in common down to the "dishwater" blonde! lol you taught me soo much and u will never know what it meant to me. Thanx for everything..but you'll never get my number! maybe someday when we're married in a house made of roses! lol luv u Jeff!

Everyone: Good luck in life and be safe! lol
I'm OUT! <3
