Meet the Jury

The jury holds the power to decide who will win Survivor: The Cook Islands. You can make it through the game through backstabbing and lying, but the jury may see through all of the deceit and end up deciding not to give you the prize. The Jury holds the power at the end of the game.

Kyle was the first member to join the jury, and the 2nd member voted out of PukaPuka. Kyle was voted out in a joint effort between many castaways.

Travis was the 8th tribe member to be voted out of the Cook Islands and the 2nd member to join the jury. Travis was too big of a threat to keep in the game and was cited to be too manipulative.

Chad was the 3rd member of the tribe to join the jury. Chad was an original member of Manu and was the third person voted out of the New Manu tribe (following the 3-tribe split). Chad ultimately was voted out as a threat and a manipulator.

Vin was the 4th member to join the jury after a very split 10th Tribal Council. Vin was primarily voted out for what other castaways called his inactivity and failure to talk to the rest of the tribe.

In a 3-2 Vote, Nick was sent to the jury in the 11th Episode. Nick was a strong threat in challenges and was credited with changing his strategy too many times for the other castaways comfort. All this led him to be the next target of Tribal Council.